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Guide of this website

This page is a step-by-step guide helping you to use the sections of this site efficiently.
We advise you to try our sections in the order of the following list (which is also the order of the main menu).
If you are using a smartphone or a small screen, please use also the menus : the primary menu for all the sections, and the secondary menu for registered users (or to register yourself).
This site is under construction.

A – Assistance mostly by the Autistics

A1 – Autistance Live

(description : to do)

A2 – Autistance Groups

Here, you will find various peer-support groups of autistics, and groups of parents mutual support.
You may join several groups, and try to build your own Autistance Personal Network.
This will by useful on day-to-day life, and also for emergencies.
Go to this section to learn more and to start building your network and your protection.

A3 – Autistance Local

A4 – Autistic Tele-Assistance

A5 – Autistance Card

A6 – Autism explained by us

(description : to do)

B – Assistance by the Autistics and the Parents (not with Autistance)

B1 – Autism Discussion Groups

(description : to write)

** Below, under construction **

C – Assistance by the Professionals of Autism (and other Private services or commerces)

D – Assistance by the Public Services

E – (…)

F – You can help the Autistance

F2 – Volunteers : http://autistance.org/volunteering/


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