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Introduction to the ABLA Project

The “ABLA Project” (A Better Life for the Autistic persons) is a project of international collaboration between all the appropriate persons and entities, proposed by the Autistan Diplomatic Organization in order to improve the life of the autistic persons by reducing the problems and misunderstandings, which relies on the Autistance system, and:Continue readingIntroduction to the ABLA Project

Création d’AutiWiki

Au 08/09/2020, le système MédiaWiki (utilisé par Wikipédia) a été installé sur https://AutiWiki.org. AutiWiki est un service proposé par Autistance.org (et géré dans le Groupe de Travail AutiWiki) pour faire une “base de connaissances” sur l’autisme afin de s’y référer facilement ensuite. Ce système peut aider notamment les très nombreuxContinue readingCréation d’AutiWiki

Volunteer needed for : Website improvements (WordPress, BuddyPress, PHP, JavaScript, CSS…)

Hello We need the help of someone who is familiar with WordPress and coding, in order to improve our site Autistance.org (about mutual help for autistic persons and families). If you want to try to help us, please register to Autistance.org and mention the reason during your signup, and weContinue readingVolunteer needed for : Website improvements (WordPress, BuddyPress, PHP, JavaScript, CSS…)

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