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S031012 History [ABLA Project | Concept]

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Some audio and video files have not yet been edited, due to lack of time.

July 2014

– Interest, congratulations and encouragement by a member of the UN Human Rights Committee (Geneva), Professor of Law and Co-Director at Harvard School of Law (Gerald L. Neuman).
—> Email 1 (in a new window)

October 2015

– Interest, congratulations and encouragement by the Director of the United Nations Department of Mental Health (Geneva).
–> Web page (in a new window)
–> Letter (in French) (in a new window)

Mr Eric Lucas Coordinator – General Delegate Alliance Autiste
Geneva, 22 October 2015
On behalf of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, I would like to thank you for your participation in the World Health Organization (WHO) mental health Global Action Programme “Filling the gaps in Mental Health Gap (mhGAP)” Forum, held at WHO headquarters in Geneva on 8 and 9 October 2015.
Your testimony was very useful and we very much appreciated your intervention.
We wish you all the best for your future projects and we ask you, Mr Lucas, to accept our best regards.
Dr Shekhar Saxena Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

2015 – 2016

– Participation in the Steering Group of the Recommendation of Good Professional Practices of the French Haute Autorité de Santé (High Health Authority) concerning adult autistic persons (remote work with this French authority, from Russia, Kazakhstan, UAE and Nepal).
–> Official Recommandation (in a new window – please search for “Lucas” in this text, with Ctrl-F)

February 2016

– Being a benevolent autistic advisor, training the ski instructors about autism in an inclusive ski resort (Pioneer Concept) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, thanks to the support of the mother of an autistic child who owns this property in the mountain, and who we consider the most appropriate person for the help of the autistic people in this country.
– Giving a conference with explanations about autism in Almaty on 12th February 2016 : the “Almaty autism speech”
–> Web page of the conference in English and Russian (in a new window)
–> Content of the speech in English (PDF, 29 pages) (in a new window)

March 2016

– Invitation, interest, congratulations and encouragement from a member of the Royal Family ruling one of the United Arab Emirates.
(No photos nor recordings were appropriate for that very special, unexpected occasion.)

June 2016

– Presentation about autism and altruism in a forum on volunteerism at the UN Palais des Nations (Geneva).
–> Pictures 1 and 2
–> Certificate
(The video camera was focused only on Eric without including the screen with his PowerPoint presentation, therefore it is necessary to create a video clip with the video file and the presentation file, both synchronized, which is rather complicated: the necessary time has never been found.)

July 2016

– Successful experiences as an autistic advisor during one month and a half in an inclusive summer camp in Almaty, Kazakhstan, thanks to the support of the same mother of an autistic boy as in February.
(–> report to be completed)

– Creation of the Autistan Diplomatic Organization and of the Flag of Autistan in the same place.
–> http://Autistan.kz (in a new window)

– Still in the same place and with the same support, the first draft of the ABLA Project, initially named “Autistic Alliance Global Project”.
–> Confidential report about the first important meeting : First meeting in 2016 (in a new window, reserved for the ABLA Project participants)

September 2016

– Meeting in Rabat and conference in Tetouan (Morocco), thanks to the interest and the support of the main organisation of parents of autistic people in that country (Collectif Autisme Maroc).
–> Web page  (in a new window)
(–> audio recording of the meeting with Collectif Autisme Maroc about the current project, to be edited)

– Appreciated presentation in the First Brazilian Meeting of Autistic People (in Fortaleza), organized by the largest organization of parents and autistics in Brazil (Abraça).
–> Web page and video clips (in a new window)

February 2017

– Creation of the world’s first physical embassy of the autistic people, the Embassy of Autistan in Rio de Janeiro.
–> Autistan.rio  (in a new window)

2017 – 2018

– Construction of the websites Autistan.org, Autistan.rio, Autistan.net, and other preparatory and organizational work (very very slowly due to lack of means, of help and of technical knowledge).

April 2019

– Interest, congratulations and encouragement by the Ambassador of Belgium to Brazil, sent by himself in person by email.


– Successful organization of a day-long meeting between autistic people, in the Embassy and remotely (through Skype), which was broadcast live for the parents and for other autistic people (through Autistan.TV, Youtube and Facebook), as part of an “Autistan Day” concept.
–> Web page (in a new window)

– Attempt to find financial means with the construction of the site Autistan.shop (without success (only 6 sales in one year), due to lack of time for promotion).

– Construction of the Autistance.org site (difficult and slow due to the complexity of the integration of the machine translation system and of a specific project management system).

March 2020

– An important meeting with the deputy of the Human Rights Defender (national ombudsman) in charge of the fight against discrimination (the highest ranking person in France on this subject), who then said and wrote many times how he found our explanations particularly relevant and useful (Paris / Rio de Janeiro).
(There are proofs of that but we don’t know if their publication would be relevant. 
A 37 minute audio file with our (important) explanations about autism given during this meeting is available, on demand by the ABLA Project participants).

May 2020

– The resolution of most of the technical difficulties of the Autistance.org site makes it possible to consider the resumption of the project (with a new name, “ABLA Project”), and the beginning of relations with state authorities and other organizations.

Note: The Coronavirus crisis is helping to decrease the coldness with which are usually received our ways of doing things remotely and with little non-autistic social interaction.

[Autistan.org | S030000 | [S031000] ABLA Project (A Better Life for the Autistics)]

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