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Documents which are accessible by anyone

  1. [S005340]-CD_000 Liste des documents du Groupe de Travail du Secteur de l’Ambassade d’Autistan en République Démocratique du Congo chargé des relations avec les Organisations de (ou pour) personnes à Besoins Spécifiques (Handicap)
  2. 20200814_OBiPHa-Parousia – Réponse au questionnaire sur l’état des lieux de l’autisme en RDC en 2020
  3. All the Support documents (Help FAQ) about Autistance.org in one page
  4. Ask a question in the category “Account” (your Autistance account, your profile page…)
  5. Ask a question in the category “Autistics” (questions specific to the to the Autistic persons using this site)
  6. Ask a question in the category “AutiWiki” (general information related to autism but not specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
  7. Ask a question in the category “Comments” (all the different commenting systems used in Autistance.org)
  8. Ask a question in the category “Concept” (Autistance concept)
  9. Ask a question in the category “Departments” (departments of assistance of Autistance.org)
  10. Ask a question in the category “Documentation” (internal documents, specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
  11. Ask a question in the category “Forums”
  12. Ask a question in the category “Groups” (about the Working Groups or the groups of persons)
  13. Ask a question in the category “Login” (connection problem, lost password…)
  14. Ask a question in the category “Needs & Offers” (announcements to propose or to ask for help)
  15. Ask a question in the category “Parents” (questions specific to the to the Parents of autistic persons using this site)
  16. Ask a question in the category “Projects” (about our project management system)
  17. Ask a question in the category “Questions & Answers (about difficulties related to autism and non-autism)”
  18. Ask a question in the category “Rules” (about the rules to follow)
  19. Ask a question in the category “Support” (questions about the support or help / FAQ section)
  20. Ask a question in the category “Technical” (any technical problem or issue not listed in the other categories)
  21. Ask a question in the category “Telegram” (about the integration of Autistance.org with the Telegram messenger application)
  22. Ask a question in the category “Text Chats” (textual discussions in the Working Groups)
  23. Ask a question in the category “Translations” (about the automatic translation system, and to propose corrections)
  24. Ask a question in the category “Video” (webcam meetings)
  25. Ask a question in the category “Volunteers” (questions specific to the Volunteers helping us)
  26. Convention des Droits des Personnes Handicapées de l’ONU (CDPH) [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  27. Liste des documents [S005340]-CD Organisations de (ou pour) personnes à Besoins Spécifiques (RDC)
  28. Loi N° 2005-102 (handicap) [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  29. Point d’étape sur deux années de mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale pour l’autisme au sein des troubles du neuro développement [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  30. Proposition de liste de points par le CFHE [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  31. Proposition de liste de points par le Défenseur des Droits [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  32. Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention relative aux Droits des Personnes Handicapées [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
  33. S031001 List of the all documents [ABLA Project]
  34. S031002 All the documents in one page [ABLA Project]
  35. S031011 Presentation [ABLA Project | Concept]
  36. S031012 History [ABLA Project | Concept]
  37. S031051 First stage [ABLA Project | Regions]

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