Support about the Autistance concept and about this website
Please click the “+” buttons to open the answers, or write a new question in the comments form at the bottom of the page.
- Point d’étape sur deux années de mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale pour l’autisme au sein des troubles du neuro développement [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- S031011 Presentation [ABLA Project | Concept]
- Ask a question in the category “Video” (webcam meetings)
- Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention relative aux Droits des Personnes Handicapées [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- Ask a question in the category “Questions & Answers (about difficulties related to autism and non-autism)”
- Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention relative aux Droits des Personnes Handicapées [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- Point d’étape sur deux années de mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale pour l’autisme au sein des troubles du neuro développement [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- Proposition de liste de points par le CFHE [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- Proposition de liste de points par le Défenseur des Droits [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
- Loi N° 2005-102 (handicap) [AA_OrgIntl_ONU-CDPH]
Concept 1
Information and questions about the Autistance concept
Ask a question in the category “Concept” (Autistance concept)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Comments 1
Information and questions about the Comments feature
Ask a question in the category “Comments” (all the different commenting systems used in
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Text Chats 1
Information and questions about the Text Chat functions
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Video 1
Information and questions related to the Video chats
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Forums 1
Information and questions related to the Forums
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Questions & Answers 1
Information and questions about the section "Questions & Answers" (questions and answers about difficulties related to autism and non-autism)
Ask a question in the category “Questions & Answers (about difficulties related to autism and non-autism)”
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, which purpose is to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance.
–> Here you can ask a question about how to use the tool “Questions & Answers“ or about technical problems (or other problems) related to this feature, but not about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of that section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Needs & Offers 1
Information and questions about the "Needs & Offers" section
Ask a question in the category “Needs & Offers” (announcements to propose or to ask for help)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here.
If you want to ask or to propose help, you have to go to the appropriate section (Button “Needs & Offers”): here is only a support about difficulties to use this feature.
Thank you.
Last Update: 27/08/2020
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AutiWiki 1
Information and questions related to the AutiWiki system (general information related to autism but not specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
Ask a question in the category “AutiWiki” (general information related to autism but not specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Groups 1
Information and questions about the Groups (Working Groups, Groups of Persons)
Ask a question in the category “Groups” (about the Working Groups or the groups of persons)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Projects 1
Information and questions related to the Project Management system
Ask a question in the category “Projects” (about our project management system)
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Documentation 0
All the useful documents for
Ask a question in the category “Documentation” (internal documents, specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Support 1
Information and questions related to the Support section (Support, FAQ, Contact)
Ask a question in the category “Support” (questions about the support or help / FAQ section)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Translations 1
Information and questions related to the translation system
Ask a question in the category “Translations” (about the automatic translation system, and to propose corrections)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Telegram 1
Informations and questions about the integration with the Telegram messaging system
Ask a question in the category “Telegram” (about the integration of with the Telegram messenger application)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Technical 1
For any technical question, problem or bug related to the usage of this website
Ask a question in the category “Technical” (any technical problem or issue not listed in the other categories)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Login 1
Information and questions about the access (login) and problems of password lost or not working
Ask a question in the category “Login” (connection problem, lost password…)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Account 1
Information and questions about how to manage the personal accounts, profile page, and other personal information in this website
Ask a question in the category “Account” (your Autistance account, your profile page…)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Rules 1
Information and questions about the rules of the site, moderation issues, policies or legal issues related to
Ask a question in the category “Rules” (about the rules to follow)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
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We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Users - Autistics 1
Information and questions specific to the autistic persons about the Autistance concept or about the use of this website
Ask a question in the category “Autistics” (questions specific to the to the Autistic persons using this site)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Users - Parents 1
Information and questions specific to the parents of autistic persons about the Autistance concept or about the use of this website
Ask a question in the category “Parents” (questions specific to the to the Parents of autistic persons using this site)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Users - Volunteers 1
Information and questions specific to the volunteers about the Autistance concept or about the use of this website
Ask a question in the category “Volunteers” (questions specific to the Volunteers helping us)
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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Departments 1
Information and questions about the Departments of assistance
Ask a question in the category “Departments” (departments of assistance of
This category of FAQ does not yet have any question.
Please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
We will then replace this text by the answer to your question, and you will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
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If you do not find an answer above, please create a new comment in the discussion at the bottom of the page to ask your question.
You will be notified by email, with a link to the new FAQ document created for your question.
You will also be able to ask for more details in the new discussion created at the bottom of that new FAQ document.
Thank you.
Please note: you are in the “Help FAQ” section of the site, intended to help you to use the tools proposed by Autistance, but not to provide answers about “autism subjects” (which is the purpose of the section “Questions & Answers“.
If you want to ask “questions about difficulties related to autism or non-autism”, you are not at the right place: please use the first button of the menu (labelled “Questions”) or click here. Thank you.
Last Update: 27/08/2020
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Related Documents
- Ask a question in the category “Concept” (Autistance concept)
- Ask a question in the category “Departments” (departments of assistance of
- Ask a question in the category “Needs & Offers” (announcements to propose or to ask for help)
- Ask a question in the category “AutiWiki” (general information related to autism but not specific to Autistance Working Groups or tools)
- Ask a question in the category “Parents” (questions specific to the to the Parents of autistic persons using this site)
- Ask a question in the category “Video” (webcam meetings)
- Ask a question in the category “Support” (questions about the support or help / FAQ section)
- Ask a question in the category “Translations” (about the automatic translation system, and to propose corrections)
- Ask a question in the category “Comments” (all the different commenting systems used in
- Ask a question in the category “Account” (your Autistance account, your profile page…)